
Formal e-mail

Jorge Mañanes 73 My House St. Valencia,  Spain 46019 +34 655 600 798 george@gmail.com May 22, 2018 ESC - European Solidarity Corpse c/o Mr Jesus Myers 442 Bad St. Murcia,  El Bloque, 45001 Dear Mr Jesus, While looking for a volunteer part time job, I saw your organisation and I am very much encouraged to help Young people in starting projects in their own country or abroad. I have nowadays much free time, and i really want to participate on this initiative. Ihave already done my registration, and I am 19 years old, so I think I am qualified. I have also studied some communicative tchniques, so I can do my purpose easier. Finally, I have participated at some similar projects three years ago and from my point of view I am prepared. Please, I would be very grateful if you let me know if i can join the organisation. I am extremely excited about the proposition to join jour orghanisation.  Thanks for yout attention and dedication. I look forward to